["Heat-Breaking Hero: Don't let the heat stop you from ruining your day! These cooling towels are your secret weapon against the scorching summer heat. Simply soak, wring, cool, and repeat process.As simple as that!And when your towel warms up again, simply rinse it and repeat the process.", "Heat-Breaking Hero: Don't let the heat stop you from ruining your day! These cooling towels are your secret weapon against the scorching summer heat. Simply soak, wring, cool, and repeat process.As simple as that!And when your towel warms up again, simply rinse it and repeat the process.", "Heat-Breaking Hero: Don't let the heat stop you from ruining your day! These cooling towels are your secret weapon against the scorching summer heat. Simply soak, wring, cool, and repeat process.As simple as that!And when your towel warms up again, simply rinse it and repeat the process.", "Heat-Breaking Hero: Don't let the heat stop you from ruining your day! These cooling towels are your secret weapon against the scorching summer heat. Simply soak, wring, cool, and repeat process.As simple as that!And when your towel warms up again, simply rinse it and repeat the process.", "Heat-Breaking Hero: Don't let the heat stop you from ruining your day! These cooling towels are your secret weapon against the scorching summer heat. Simply soak, wring, cool, and repeat process.As simple as that!And when your towel warms up again, simply rinse it and repeat the process."]